Artificial Plasticity


Machine Learning is an attempt to create a brain, a replica of the biological type that humanity takes for granted. So far, what exists is a dumber version. The objective of this post is to share my thoughts about how learning works and how we are attempting to engineer machines that can think like us.

Non – Dimensional Data Management (EP. 2)


In the underlying paragraphs and subsequent episodes, I am providing a theoretical framework on how to treat a data workflow which requires dealing with a class of structured and unstructured data that has a velocity of zero and another class that is constantly in motion, interactively explore these data while assigning them a spatial and temporal dimension if possible and get them ready for exploitation by predictive agents and ML algorithms.


Non — Dimensional Data Management (EP. 1)

Chaotic Data is the birthplace of useful intelligence, sadly. Data Latency, Scalability and Interoperability You see, the thing about buzzwords is that they can be mesmerizing especially when you are driven by that primal desire to always do things that are relevant. I woke up with one such desire this morning like I do every … Continue reading Non — Dimensional Data Management (EP. 1)

Finding order, in chaos.

I never know what to say when asked "What is your life like?". What on Earth would you say in this situation? Would you give a one-word answer, followed by a shrug? Would you perhaps describe that first person, place or overriding emotion in your mind? You could instead give a much more retrospective answer, taking the last few years of your life into account, rather than delivering a succinct linguistic payload based on the very last thing to occur to you. You could have tripped and fallen, gotten a raise, finally asked someone out, realized you left the front door open, unexpectedly thought of someone you have not seen in years that you either love or hate, failed to remember that boy or girl's name, offended an entire nation, brought peace to a city, finished your masterpiece or ruined it, just realized that the numerical value of Pi looks like the word "pie" when seen in a mirror, discovered you have an imaginary shabby dog following you around, or, just perhaps, you have recently stumbled across something that everyone on this pale blue dot should find out about. It all depends on how small you decide to look. Do you look at and consider each tiny individual event and wonder why they happened in isolation, or do you stand back, observe the system, and find your strange attractors, those moments you seem to settle on, and find the order in all your chaos?

Why I document tomorrow’s history

It is overwhelming. Life is overwhelming. The vastness, robustness, excitements and intricacies of every single day before today has faded into the core of memories. Like an object that falls into a blackhole, they have travelled into the proverbial abyss of no return. I have decided to pen down some part of it before the … Continue reading Why I document tomorrow’s history